Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My affinity to feminism

"My affinity to feminism (or postcolonialism or liberation) has always been based on that call to live faithfully as the body of Christ."

Now how often do you hear somebody say something like that?  Well, it's Julie Clawson speaking up

And she links to a blogpost where Jos Truitt is saying something similar about something larger than herself and saying it, perhaps, to a larger audience: 

"My feminism [is] ... about recognizing the existence of gendered systems of oppression and working for justice, working to change these systems, which often involves government taking action against injustice."

I really like that.  So today I'd like to make this observation again:

"My affinity with feminists is more profound perhaps than mine with bible bloggers because feminists tend more generally to be much more inclusive (both personally and methodologically)."

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