Wednesday, April 6, 2011

UK Top Female Christian Bloggers – Wikio for Apr(=Mar)

I am amazed and delighted to see ten blogs written by Christian women in the top 50 Religion and Belief Wikio rankings. In December it was only five. I mentioned this in January and had a tremendous response – recommending 29 women bloggers to read. I don’t know whether it was this interest that improved things, or whether there was a trend of more Christian women blogging, but to go from 10% to 20% women in the top 50 in four months is very good. (I’m turning a blind eye to the fact that Wounded Bird is in fact American!).
--The Rev'd Lesley Fellows

Read the rest of Lesley's post (including "a graph showing the movement of the blogs over the last four months" and "the table with the data in") here.

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